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Grading Procedure:
Late Work Policy: If you are absent, you will have as many days as you missed to turn in your work without penalty. (Example: Jane Doe missed 2 days of class. Jane will have 2 days to turn in her work)
Missing Work Policy: Student will have 3 days to turn late work in with a 10% grade penalty for each day late. After the 3rd day, the teacher will not accept work and zero (0) will remain in the grade book.
Tests/Quizzes 30%
Daily Work 50%
Projects/Course Work 20%
During the course of this semester, we will be discussing and viewing materials of a mature nature. Subjects covered include, but are not limited to, felonious crimes (i.e., murder, burglaries, sexual crimes, etc.) as well as high profile crimes committed in the United States. If you have any questions about the materials covered in this course, please feel free to contact me.
Students are expected to adhere to the rules and policies of the school. Also, students will behave according to the following class rules:
1. Be respectful to yourself, others and any teacher (do not say anything disrespectful to anyone, do not curse, and do not use obscene gestures).
2. Be on time to class (be in the seat before the bell rings and complete bell ringer).
3. Come to class prepared (bring your paper, pencil and/or black ink pen).
4. No horseplay in the class.
5. Cell phones are to be turned off and put away. Cell phones should not be visible in class.
6. After three consecutive tardies per semester and each subsequent one thereafter, students will be referred to the office.
7. Bathroom passes are limited to 3 per semester; students should use the bathroom in between classes.