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- Show up to class on time ready to work
- Have all needed materials for class
- Be Respectful
- Use appropriate classroom behavior
- Keep your hands and any other object to yourself
- Show respect to each individual in the class
- Wait for your turn to speak in class.
- Be Responsible
- Complete and turn in assignments on time
- Understand and follow classroom rules
Students who do not follow classroom/school rules and procedures will be held accountable for his/her actions. The steps outlined in the Student Handbook will be followed to handle disciplinary issues.
Grading Policy
Your final grade will be determined by a total points system. All points earned during a nine weeks period will be calculated and divided by the total points possible. Any cheating will result in an automatic zero for that assignment.
Late Work
Homework and classwork are NOT excepted late. Projects are accepted up to THREE days late. After three days the student will receive a zero for the project.
Make Up Work
It is the responsibility of the student to get make up work before or after class. Make up work is to be turned into the make up tray upon completion. Each student will be allowed the same number of days he/she was absent to complete the assignment for full credit.
Course Standards can be found on the TN Department of Education webpage linked below: