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My name is Robert Drew Large. I am looking forward to an exciting school year with your son/daughter. The purpose of this site is to introduce myself and inform you of the procedures and expectations of my classroom. My ultimate goal this year is to help your son or daughter be successful within my classroom and reach their fullest potential as a Northwest student.
I am starting my 8th year of teaching here at Northwest High School! I moved to Clarksville, TN from Dandridge, TN in 2014. I graduated from Austin Peay State University with my bachelor’s degree in Biology and a minor in Secondary Education. Recently, I earned my master's degree at ASPU in Educational Leadership in 2024. I am grateful for this opportunity to be a part of the Northwest family and look forward to a fun and productive year.
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Please email me at [email protected] for to make an appointment or if you have any questions 



It is the responsibility of the student to get his or her make-up work upon return from absence. I will not remind students to get work after they have been absent.  The student will have as the day's absence plus one and a half days extra.  To assure accuracy in the gradebook, I will initially record a zero and replace it with the new grade after work is completed.  Makeup classwork will be located by day in a file box in the classroom. Upon completion, work should be given directly to the teacher.  

**If a student misses a test or quiz, he or she will be responsible for setting up a time with me to retake the missed test/quiz.  All tests/quizzes must be taken within a week of the student returning to school. 



Students should always make the effort to complete and submit assignments on time. I understand that there are situations that arise.  All work must be turned in when the class has completed the assignment, after that it is late and will get a 50% reduction. 

If an assignment is not turned in during that assignment’s unit and/or before that unit’s exam, the assignment will be put in the gradebook as a 0%. 

All legal documents will be followed and appropriate time will be given. 




  • The fastest way to fail my class is to neglect to turn in assignments. I cannot grade what I do not have. Regardless of whether you have completed an assignment, I cannot review it if you keep it in your notebook or leave it at home. This includes leaving your name off your paper. “No name papers” will be put in the “No Name Bucket” and can be labeled with your name and turned in for full credit prior to the unit exam. 
  • Should a student miss an assignment for any reason, it will be recorded as a zero. This is so my grades will always be as accurate as possible based on what your child has done in my class. Zeroes can and will be replaced with grades once your child turns in makeup or late work as long as it is not turned in after that assignment’s test.




Students must check student email regularly for school messages and teacher communications. Email and Google Classroom will be the main communication pathways for this course. Please allow up to 24 hours for a response. 

Parent Square will be the first point of contact. 


  • Bring all needed materials to class and be ready to work when the bell rings.
  • Keep all personal electronics put away.
  • Be responsible for your own learning.
  • Be respectful of the teacher and others, including their property.
  • No Food or drink except clear water in a see through container
  • Clean up after yourself and with your lab group members.
  • Speak at appropriate times and in an appropriate tone.
  • If I should have a substitute teacher, she/he has the same authority that I have.



Behavior problems will be recorded daily and consequences will be issued accordingly. Students are expected to follow all class expectations as well as the NWHS and CMCSS rules. If it becomes necessary for consequences to be issued, the following list of consequences will be used. Serious offenses may call for immediate action that does not follow the list’s order below.

  • Verbal warning
  • Student/Teacher Conference
  • Coach/Club sponsor contact (if applicable)
  • Parent/Guardian phone call 
  • Parent/Teacher/Principal Conference



I use a point-based grading system. Classwork/homework will average 20 points each, while lab write-ups and other large or important assignments will be worth more points. Quizzes will be worth 10 points and tests are worth 100 points. Notebook checks will also be counted as a quiz or test grade (bi-weekly) as organization is key. The first binder check is 50 points for just having a binder on time. 

Power School is the grading program used by the CMCSS and Northwest H.S.  Parents/guardians may view their child’s grades at any time or opt to have the grades e-mailed to them on a regular schedule.  If you are not familiar with Power School, I recommend signing up.  Contact the NWHS guidance office if you are unsure of your login username and password. I will keep grades up to date on a weekly basis, sometimes more, in order to provide you and your student(s) with the most accurate grade at all times.


Academic standards, chosen by the Tennessee State Board of Education, provide a common set of expectations for what students should know and be able to do at the end of a specific grade or course. Local school districts determine the order in which these state-mandated standards are addressed in their schools. For a breakdown of standard pacing and course objectives for Biology students in the Clarksville Montgomery County School System, please visit the Academic Resources link under the Students & Parents tab on the CMCSS homepage.


It is the policy of the Clarksville Montgomery County School System to follow the dictates of state statutes in the selection and use of all instructional materials. Parents or legal guardians may request to review any instructional materials used in the classroom of the parent or legal guardian’s child following the guidelines outlined in Instructional Policy INS-A073 found at 


Classroom Books