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I am excited to be teaching Biology and AP Biology here at Northwest High School! While this is my 9th year here at Northwest, it is my 22nd year of teaching Science. I am originally from Michigan and my husband and I have 3 boys: Michael - 27, Jonathan - 17, and Alexander - 17. I graduated from Lake Superior State University with my B.S. in Biology and a minor in Chemistry. I obtained my Masters degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Central Michigan University. During my free time I enjoy gardening, crafts, pinning, camping, kayaking and just hanging out with my twin boys, 3 dogs, friends and family! I look forward to sharing my love of Biology with your child and building a working relationship to bring them success in my classroom!
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Please refer to the syllabus for the beginning of the year "stuff" like supplies to be successful in Biology.

In-person Class Expectations:

  • Bring all needed materials to class and be ready to work when the bell rings.
    • Be in your seat, on-time, on-task and ready to learn.
  • Keep all personal electronics put away. Use of electronic devices is prohibited.
  • Be responsible for your own learning.
    • Complete your work so that you can contribute to class
    • Ask questions
  • Be respectful of the teacher and others, including their property.
    • My desk and items on it are my property and mine alone.
  • Be nice
  • No Food or drink except clear water in a see through container. This includes gum!
  • Clean up after yourself and with your lab group members.
    • Trash goes in the trash can not the sinks, cupboards and drawers.
  • Speak at appropriate times and in an appropriate tone.
    • Raise your hand to be recognized to speak
    • Wait to speak when I or others are talking
  • If I should have a substitute teacher, she has the same authority that I have.
    • This means that it is her word against yours should conflict arise. I will take her side, and you will be written up without discussion should you misbehave.

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