October 2021 News

October 25th, 2021

Voluntary Student Survey Regarding ESSER 3.0 Funding

This week, CMCSS students in grades 6 – 12 will have the opportunity to voluntarily participate in a short one-question survey regarding ESSER 3.0 funding. The question will be a multi-select ranking question. Data collected will provide the district with another avenue of stakeholder feedback.

The question was specifically designed for students and appeared as follows: 

CMCSS expects to receive a lot of money that we can spend on our schools and students. Please rank the items below from 1 to 7 that you would like to see CMCSS spend more money on with these new funds. 1 = I want CMCSS to spend the most money on this, 7 = I want CMCSS to spend the least amount of money on this

  1. Academics and Instruction
  2. Arts (Music/Band, Art Classes)
  3. Improvements to School Buildings
  4. Student Social and Emotional Learning Support
  5. More Technology or Technology Improvements
  6. Tutoring Opportunities 
  7. More Substitute Teachers and Bus Drivers


Stakeholders who have questions regarding ESSER 3.0 can contact [email protected].